Milan-Inter Champions: went on TV not only on Amazon, also in the clear

An Agcom provision establishes it for events “of particular relevance to the company”. Favorite Mediaset and Sky with the TV8 channel

The Derbissimo thrills everyone, starting with those who bought the TV rights to the event in the past. On paper it should have been Prime Video – which has the exclusive on the best match on Wednesday – the only one to broadcast the images of the first leg (May 10), while Mediaset and Sky ensure those of the second leg (May 16). But the situation regarding the first match at San Siro is very different and opens up new, very interesting scenarios.

The standard

In fact, an Agcom provision envisages that for events “of particular importance for the company” the unencrypted diffusion must be ensured. There is also a list that defines these “events that television broadcasters cannot broadcast exclusively, in order to ensure that at least 80% of the Italian population can follow them on a free schedule without additional costs”. And here are also “the final and semi-finals of the Champions League and the Europa League if Italian teams are involved”.

the alternatives

It is therefore impossible for the first leg to be broadcast only by Prime Video and Agcom would hardly be satisfied with free streaming. In the offices of Prime Italia they know this well, so much so that for a couple of days discussions have been started with all the broadcasters who broadcast free-to-air, starting with the two who already have the Champions League – Mediaset and Sky with its TV8 channel – up to Rai, La7 and Discovery. The choice rests solely with the Amazon platform and it is probable that in the end you will opt for the highest bidder (Mediaset and Sky are in pole position), even if it cannot be excluded that you could decide to focus on a less competitive player. Contacts will continue throughout the week and more should be known just before next weekend.

series rights a

On the championship front, however, we are increasingly moving towards a future coexistence of Sky and Dazn. At least 5 packages are expected in the Lega Serie A announcement in May and one should provide for the co-exclusivity between the two. Even here, however, Amazon could appear which, after the success of the Champions League, is aiming for an exclusive game per day.
