Milan, Ibrahimovic’s role: not just a field man, that’s what he will do

In recent discussions with the owners and management, the Swede has made it clear that he wants to change his approach to football: he wants to become an international figure, not just stay at Milanello. Hence the hypothesis of Cardinale’s advisor

M. Pasotto-J. Wegerup

And now all we have to do is wait. We don’t say it, or at least not only us. It was the person concerned who published on social media, on Tuesday last week, a cryptic post only for an inattentive reader: “Tic toc, tick toc”, accompanied by a close-up of him with a look halfway between the bad and the concentrated. Zlatan Ibrahimovic has chosen to tell the world in this way about the approach of the Ibra-tris in the Rossoneri. Now the doubts are no longer “if”, but “when”. And this break seems tailor-made for the official third marriage with the Devil: long and full of thoughts and pain for the Rossoneri. Ibra would come back to treat them, right?


Right now we are still at the recent meeting with Cardinale in Milan on November 6th, the eve of the big match against PSG. Zlatan and the RedBird number one met in the hotel, repeating the first face-to-face meeting on 19 September. At the time it was a first exploratory meeting, essentially in order to understand the room for maneuver for a possible agreement. Last week, however, the parties got straight to the point, discussing in particular the role to be assigned to the Swede. Focal point, this. Certainly more than the economic aspect. It should be remembered that between the two meetings with Cardinale, Ibra had also met with the CEO several times. Furlani, precisely with a view to a dialogue that would gradually bring the needs of the club and Z.

different life

As the days went by, it took on more and more substance and formed a task directly attributable to the property. To the figure of Cardinal. A sort of personal consultant, an advisor to RedBird’s number one. A role that we had already had the opportunity to anticipate and describe as the most suitable among the various hypotheses. Also because a background story then emerged that confirms the direction towards which Ibra was headed. In fact, the Swede reportedly told the owners and management that he did not want to play a “pure” field role. In other words, Zlatan does not intend to spend his days at Milanello, dividing his time between the sidelines, the changing rooms and conversations with the players. Or rather: there would also be this, certainly, but it would not be his exclusive activity. To those who know him well, Ibra explained that he wants to change the type of football life, making it different from the one he lived for many years. He said he wanted to learn how to create a wide-ranging “international” career, and not just within the confines of Milanello.


From here to considering the idea of ​​acting as a consultant to Cardinale, it was a short step. In reality, a role still to be defined in terms of name and scope of action, but this is the direction. Also because the club has repeated several times that the Swede has no positions in strictly managerial terms within the company’s organizational chart. In short, all the pieces would be falling into place and on the other hand the Ansa launch last Thursday spoke very clearly: very positive talks, details to be perfected, announcement not imminent but agreement close.
