Milan: Ibrahimovic and Romagnoli still apart

Zlatan is doing everything possible to be called up, but so far he has not trained in a group. The captain’s muscle woes require caution: at the “Maradona” it should be Kalulu’s turn

The days go by, the big match Napoli-Milan is approaching and uncertainty remains about the presence of Zlatan Ibrahimovic in the list of players that Stefano Pioli will bring to the “Maradona” stadium. The 40-year-old Swedish champion is still struggling with the after-effects of the inflammation of the right achilles tendon that has kept him out of the game for more than a month: the situation has progressively improved, but not yet enough to allow Ibra to train with the rest of the group.


Ibrahimovic hopes to make it at least for the bench, but it will be difficult. And there don’t seem to be great chances for Alessio Romagnoli either. The captain trained in the gym today, like Ibra. He is taking care of the muscular problem remedied in the derby (resentment of the left adductor) and it is a problem that must be faced without risking relapses, in view of a very hot season finale on the Scudetto and Italian Cup fronts. On Sunday at the “Maradona”, therefore, Kalulu should be next to Tomori.
