Milan, here are the holding companies with which RedBird will complete the purchase of the club

Calcio e Finanza unveils the chain with which Cardinale’s fund will control the Rossoneri. And the role of his right-hand man Scheiner

There is now just over a month to go before the closing which will sanction the transfer of ownership of Milan from the Elliott fund to RedBird. And while Gerry Cardinale is active in “fund raising” to get close to the 1.2 billion needed for the purchase of the club (the missing part will be lent by Elliott, up to a maximum of 600 million), some important details emerge on the new structure corporate. Calcio e Finanza, in fact, anticipates the chain with which RedBird will control Milan, revealing the name and functions of the various holding companies involved.

New set-up

Up to now, the structure has seen Project Redblack (majority controlled by Elliott and 4.27% by Blue Skye) holding 100% of Rossoneri Sport Investment, which in turn controls 99.93% of AC Milan. Now the first name to remember will be “FootballCo Intermediate Cooperatief UA”, a Dutch company which in the lawsuit brought by Blue Skye against Elliott for the sale of the club was referred to as “buyer of AC Milan shares”. In this company is present Alec John Scheiner, a trusted man of Gerry Cardinale: he joined RedBird Capital in 2016, he oversaw all the major sports projects, from Fenway Sports Group (the group that controls Liverpool) to the Red Sox, up to Pittsburgh Penguins and Toulouse.

The vehicles

Under FootballCo is ACM Intermediate Holding BV, registered on 7 June 2022 and of which FootballCo is the sole director. As a cascade, this company controls 100% ACM Bidco BV, another company under Dutch law also registered on 7 June 2022. Both companies have been registered as a “financial holding company” whose aim is to “incorporate, participate in any title, finance, manage and supervise businesses and companies “.
