Milan, Furlani: “The goals are the same as always, to be competitive everywhere”

The CEO Rossoneri spoke like this after the first training session of the season: “We have to focus on the market, but not only. Our goal is to improve the club, remaining competitive in Italy and in Europe”

From our correspondent Marco Pasotto

– Milanello (Varese)

Rossoneri general states present and lined up: the president Scaroni, the ceo Furlani, the honorary vice president Baresi, the scouting chief Moncada, the new sports director D’Ottavio, the ambassador Massaro. This is normal when the first day of school arrives, but this time at Milanello it’s not that everything is so normal between heavy surnames that – on the pitch and behind the desk – are no longer there, an enhanced coach – even if he, when asked about the ‘argument, screens himself and sends the ball into the stands – and a market conducted by a tandem that, in these terms, had never worked together. It’s a Milan that is changing profoundly, on the fourth floor of via Aldo Rossi and on the pitch, but Giorgio Furlani punctuates vigorously: “I hear talk of year zero, but this is not a revolution. If anything, it’s an evolution”. Which sounds more elegant and is somehow linked to the banner that the Curva Sud has hung on the fence of the training ground: “Every department needs to be strengthened, we close every market target. Go on like this”.

Quality and intelligence

On the other hand, shortly before it was Pioli himself who clarified in no uncertain terms that “the time has come to make some changes, I am the architect of a thing where some areas need to be refurbished. We are looking for players of quality and intelligence.” At the end of training the CEO Furlani made a small point of the situation: “The goals have always been the same since I’ve been at this club, which is to be competitive both in Italy and in Europe. Now our job is to focus on the market, but there is also the organizational and infrastructure one. We need to make Milan grow in various ways and I assure you that we are working hard. Year zero? No, this is the 124th year of this club. We started five years ago and we will continue to work to improve the club and achieve better and better results.”

in memory of Silvio

Behind him, the team is returning to the locker room after the first game of the season under inhuman temperatures, with the ultras who have sounded the charge in front of the entrance to the sports center (“We have come to honor and incite you, we believe it. Give everything, as we give it to us”). Calabria invited teammates and fans to applause in memory of Silvio Berlusconi, Pioli already appeared rather severe, lots of applause from the fans for the newcomers Loftus-Cheek (taken over by the “tutor” Florenzi) and Romero (appeared in excellent form ) and, in short, it was the classic start-up training. Jog, stretches, ball possession drills, bulls in groups, actions aimed at finishing and final mini-match on the half pitch in which the first goal of the new season was scored by Origi. The striker who flopped on his first attempt and would love to have a second chance.
