Milan-Chelsea, Pioli’s five moves to stop the Blues

The Rossoneri aim to redeem the 4-0 collected in London: the match with Juve offered various indications, Pioli has the anti-Blues plan ready

From our correspondent Marco Pasotto

October 11th
– Milanello (Varese)

The disc, like all self-respecting vinyls, has two sides. One is the usual, felt resentful and overwhelmed, the one that tells the sidereal distance between Italian and English football. According to which, therefore, it is not surprising for the blue slaughter of Stamford Bridge. The other side is the one recorded by Stefano Pioli, who has been repeating for some time now: “If we play as we know, or at our level, the league and the Champions League make no difference. We can win the same way in both cases ”. Our “level”. Already. In London, AC Milan was far below it. With Juve, comfortably above. Compared to last year’s Champions League, there are two profound differences for the Devil. The first is that the collective knowledge of the competition has increased, just as the rose register marks one more year. The second is that in the first three matches the Rossoneri have already collected the same points with which they had closed the 2021-22 group. A year ago the Devil was standing at the stake. Quote zero. Three exits, three defeats. This is why tomorrow’s match becomes crucial, just as it is crucial to understand how not only to stop Chelsea, but also to hurt them. Let’s try to summarize in five reasons.
