Milan calls Ibrahimovic: attempts to have him with Napoli

Always brings leadership and enthusiasm: Last attempts to have him already in Naples, but he has not yet worked with the group

A lion in a cage, a banal definition but perfectly adaptable to the case of Zlatan Ibrahimovic, who is experiencing a real football quarantine, given that he has not played Milan-Juve 0-0 since 23 January. And there have been many missed matches even before, because this season, which began with the need to recover after the left knee injury, was not easy. Ibra the superman has become calmer and more thoughtful, he preaches patience. Meanwhile, in recent weeks he has eaten his hands in the stands at San Siro. Also yesterday he trained separated from the group at Milanello, but the challenge to himself is launched. Patience, okay, but someone like Zlatan cannot be distorted even at forty. And he is trying in every way to recover for the match with Napoli. Without taking risks, but also without waiting too long, because it is not in his character.


Zlatan was the protagonist last season in Naples, with a brace and many other good things. It is unlikely that he will be able to take the field at Maradona, but his hopes, and especially of Milan, remain alive: if today and tomorrow Ibrahimovic manages to work with his teammates, even only partially, it is likely that he will be called up for Naples, given that it is a matter of of a leader, not a captain in the wing but in fact. His presence could help Milan in the challenge that counts so much in the Scudetto race, even if there are those who play in hiding. Ibrahimovic no, he never hides. He has never made any secret of his ambitions, recently he also repeated “I don’t move until I win with this team.” Maybe he won’t move even after, because Milan are ready to offer another contract to the forty-year-old Swedish star. Money and signatures are not the problem. Zlatan now plays essentially for fun and in Milan after so much wandering he has found a real home.


Zlatan is more and more at ease in the fabric of Milan, so much so that in the world of football there is now often talk of his future role as manager. The future, however, is now and Ibrahimovic wants to be in shape for the final rush in the championship: he wants to return as soon as possible and participate in a championship sprint that promises to be tighter than ever. Ibra loves to win and due to his temperament and football culture he would not shy away from the possibility of winning a short-nosed championship, to put it to Allegri, the coach with whom he won what for now remains his last Italian championship. Philosophical closeness and occasional bickering, this remains of their relationship. More than ten years have passed and Ibrahimovic wants to help Milan win another title.


The Achilles tendon has not given him respite this season, but already being able to join the team in the big match against Napoli would be a good result. And for this result Ibra is working even more intensely these days. Leao has become a little prince, Giroud scored the double against Inter which changed the face of the championship, but Milan need the totem pole. On the field or even on the bench, which already in this way Zlatan could perhaps transfer some notions to his followers.
