Milan, ahead with the stadium in San Donato: purchased SportLifeCity

The Rossoneri club is proceeding with its project to build the stadium in the south-east area of ​​Milan

A step forward in the road map that will lead to the construction of the new stadium. Milan has already identified the area in San Donato. And this will is testified by a formal step that is being recorded in these hours but dating back to last month and which aims to speed up implementation times.

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On 8 June 2023 – the lawyer Felice Raimondo writes in an article – AC Milan bought SportLifeCity srl, the company that owns the affected area of ​​San Francesco. The Rossoneri club took over 90% of the legal vehicle used by Cassinari for the Sportcitylife project, leaving 10% of the shares to the previous owner. The advantage is obvious: doing so will not change the legal entity that will dialogue with the Municipality of San Donato but only the contents of the project. The decisive step to proceed now will be the building permits. Then the die will be cast.
