Milagros Maylin: the campaign of the first lady of Buenos Aires

The launch of Horacio Rodriguez Larreta (57) brought his partner to the presidential race Miracles Lucia Maylin (37), who today also shares the same dream as the head of the Buenos Aires Government, that of reaching the Casa Rosada.

Until her courtship with Rodríguez Larreta, Maylin had been a low-profile official with experience in the social areas of the management of Mary Eugenia Vidal in the province of Buenos Aires. Now, her relationship with Larreta forces her to have a high profile and she seems to be willing to put her body into the campaign.

so far this year He has already traveled to Corrientes, La Rioja, San Luis, Misiones, Jujuy, Córdoba and Entre Ríos. In those provinces, in addition to having an “official agenda” with his partner, he also had a parallel agenda with activities related to social issues. For example, in Villa Maria, Córdoba, he visited a woman who makes oncological wigs with private hair donations. She left a lock.

SEE ALSO: “What unites Milagros Maylin and Juliana Awada?”

before this pre-election tourhad been in the South, when Rodríguez Larreta visited Mauricio Macri in Cumelen. Even a few weeks later they returned to Neuquén to camp at the foot of the Lanín volcano and Maylin uploaded a video of her partner making the tent where they would spend the night. A few days after that adventure, they met Macri again in Cumelén. With malice, in some Buenos Aires offices they said that Larreta had camped so that Macri would receive him. Chicanas.

The relevance of Maylin in the campaign It is an issue that occupies the team working in the electoral race of the mayor of Buenos Aires. There is even a team of advisors available to the first lady of the City to satisfy her concerns and even collaborate with the issues that concern her.

In addition to social topics, another matter that occupies her is what is published about her. She is on top of all the details and even conveys her anger when a note bothers her. Last year, for example, she was very upset with an article that had appeared in the newspaper La Nación, signed by the writer Pola Oloixarac and entitled “The cyborg and the blonde’s theorem”, in which they described her as a product designed to accompany him in the campaign. “His bombastic beauty of his seems designed to highlight the groom’s aesthetic shortcomings,” the caption read. To make up for Oloixarac’s harsh words, from that day on she began to call him “colt”, in private, of course.


Maylin’s presence in the campaign also produced some anger in the team “Horacio 2023”. There is a constant radio corridor that murmurs that Maylin thinks of all the issues and that would not go down well with everyone. The rumors could also respond to jealousy over the prominence that Larreta’s partner took after the romance was made official. She used to be another official and now she is the boss’s girlfriend.

Horacio Rodríguez Larreta and Milagros Maylin

The ones he gets along very well with are the members of the presidential candidate’s press team, whom he invited to eat back in October when the romance became official. That media operation was extremely careful and she went through it with great anxiety because of his appearance on the scene, but, once the matter was over, she organized a meal at the mayor’s house: there were empanadas and salmon washed down with malbec.

One of the concerns of Maylin and her team is What role should it have in an eventual presidency of Rodríguez Larreta?. Would you like to be a first lady who only accompanies the president in the style of Juliana Awada or Fabiola Yáñez? Or does she prefer a more political profile? Maylin is working on strengthening her profile as a connoisseur of social issues. During her time in the Vidal administration, she worked at the Provincial Organization for Social and Urban Integration (Opisu), which sought to integrate the suburban villas into the districts where they belong.

This arrival in popular neighborhoods de Maylin made Rodríguez Larreta also have visits with his girlfriend to those places among his activities. An activity that they have done on some Sundays alone and without electoral teams around. Of course, she was always in charge of managing a photo and then “filtering” it to the media. She looks at everything based on what it can serve for empower “Hache”, as he also calls it.

Miracles Maylin

For the next few months, Maylin intends to be side by side with Larreta in the campaign, but also works to strengthen its social profile. Most recently, she taught at Harvard, in the program “Urban Design and Planning for Climate Change, Intensive Migration, and Rapid Urban Growth.”

He is looking to give this same class at a university in Argentina. In addition, she was added to the Pensar Foundation as part of the work team that is preparing the National Socio-urban Integration Plan. The icing on the cake is set up an NGO dedicated to issues of social and urban integration and do consultancy for multilateral organizations with a presence in countries of the region. Thus, little by little, he is building a profile to later see what to do in case Larreta reaches the Presidency. If he doesn’t arrive, he will still have work.

The next few months for Larreta will be tours of the interior and negotiations for the presentation of the lists. The deadline is June 25, the day on which the deadline for registering applications ends. In that transit today Milagros Maylin accompanies. The lady is also on campaign.

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