Mikko Manner and Rallyvenska – fell in love in Sweden

The Swedish audience immediately fell in love with Mikko Manner.

Mikko Manner admits that sometimes it boils over and over. Jussi Saarinen

  • Mikko Manner enjoys great appreciation among the players.
  • The lion assistant coach is also known for his sacrifice in front of the media.
  • Brynäs’ Finnish pilot caused new winds to blow in Gävle.

Mikko Manner has a reputation as a nice man. A lion pilot based in Vaasa had time to collect significant spurs in Kärpi, Oulu.

He lifted the Flies back to the top of the league and won the championship. The public admired the jovial Manner.

The story comes almost non-stop. In addition, several players playing under the Mainland have glorified the coach’s ability to communicate on the team and unleash their potential through collaboration.

There is another side to him. Its mainland can be displayed in a locker room.

– There will indeed be moments when the feeling spills over. Sometimes I even knock myself out when I wonder why I had to go so hot again. Also, I have emotions that are part of the game, be they winning or losing, Manner admits.

In Lions, Manner works in the role of assistant coach, so he’s not as much on display as he is Jukka Jalonen. In the club team, however, the situation is different.

The mainland has adopted if a mourning-like way to shift media attention from the team to himself. The reason is simple: the mainland wants to protect its players.

He, on the other hand, whips himself in places with really hard words. When the game didn’t go as expected in the final Flies season, the Mainland was giving up already kicked himself.

– People are different. I don’t want to be a coach who whips players through the media. Someone might do that, and it can work. Personally, I have received the respect of the players many times after I have protected them.

Rallisvenska is loved

Manner already has three Finnish championships in the closet. The first two came Lauri Marjamäki as a member of the coaching team in Kärpi, most recently in the first head coaching session in Oulu.

The spring of 2021 ended his four seasons as the main pilot of the Oulu team. The starting decision had already been made a year earlier, but the difficult season for the Flies seemed to highlight the end of one era.

Success is not eternal. Kärpät, who rose to the semifinals through the weather playoffs, fell directly 0–3 against HIFK.

Manner made an exceptional choice when the next address was found in Gävle, on the Brynäs team. Before Manner, the previous Finnish coach at SHL in Sweden was Hannu Aravirta for the 2010 season.

– It wasn’t a challenging place. The situation was the same as in my first head coaching session at Kärpi. Brynäs had a difficult season below when they played with HV-71 about the fall. There had also been severe turbulence in previous periods.

– In the previous season, Brynäs had given up a lot of puck and turned a lot of attacks. We changed the way we played. The attack time of the attack area rose to the top of the league, and probably the fans also got the feeling that we play every night for victory.

Mikko Manner has seen both sides: as head coach, the pressure and criticism feel completely different than when he is a helping hand. Jussi Saarinen

The mainland emphasizes cultural differences. There is an open league in Sweden. As a team rises from a fall time candidate to a playoff team, it will be of great importance to fans.

Brynäs’ season ended with the first round of the playoffs, but Manner’s work will continue in Gävle next season as well.

He can also be described as a thrower. At the last press conference of the season, Manner thanked the Brynäs family for their support and wondered if the prestige was due to his “rally vens”.

– New winds are now blowing in Gävle, and the main reason is the mainland. He is really considered for his personality. She dares to throw herself and speak Swedish. Rallyvenska has become a concept in the Swedish media, says Aftonbladet hockey journalist Jonathan Larsson.

– If a Swedish head coach had joined the Finnish Championship League and his team had been 10th, I would not have received as much appreciation as I did, Manner said.

“Late” asked

The mainland ended up with the lions in complete silence. A coach colleague and a good friend Marjamäki had left Kärpät and wanted to join the national team in the spring of 2017 according to his creditor.

– We had a good team “Laten”, Waltteri Immosen, Kalle Kaskinen and Ari Hillin with.

Mikko Manner’s first season as head coach in Kärpi ended with lifting the trophy. Miikka Jääskeläinen / AOP

Finland was fourth in the World Cup, and criticism of Marjamäki was strong. He eventually had to give up when the Lions dropped out of the quarterfinals a year later.

The mainland has noticed how hard the head coach puts on his shoulders.

– Mentally, it is very different to be an assistant coach than a head coach. Having seen both roles, I may be able to alleviate the burden that the head coach carries as an assistant coach. I can focus on the small details of the game, while the head coach spins the lineups, meetings, game and media responsibilities all the way to sleep.

In Jukka Jalonen’s team, everyone in Manner has the main responsibility for monitoring and overcoming the situation. In addition, he has a full-time ear button video coach To Jukka Varmasenif you have to sue.

The nickname “Mamba” is from Peru as a child from Vaasa. Known as a tough musician, Manner admits that he has sometimes been a big fan of the band of the same name.

– But the nickname comes from the TV series Akkaa peal, invented by a group of friends.

Do you ever sing in front of the players?

– Only on the last sauna night. We have insider songs that can’t be revealed.

“Mamba” The throwing character of the mainland delights the Swedes. Jussi Saarinen
