Mikko Leppilampi stars in a new movie in a different look

Mikko Leppilampi surprises in a new role.

Actor and host Mikko Leppilampi published by on his Instagram account a picture of his new character.

Leppilampi aims to premiere in the fall of 2023 Comeback– a film about drifting rockers.

Leppilammi’s new role has garnered numerous admiring comments under the publication.

– I can’t wait, comments on the picture.

– Great! Excellent look, the actor Aku Sipola glows.

The roles also include, among other things Ville Myllyrinne and Paula Vesala.

Leppilampi stopped being the host of the Dancing with the Stars program in the fall of 2021. Since then, he has starred in the crime series Hautalehto: Kylmä syli.

Mikko Leppilampi will be seen next year in the movie Comeback. Esko Jämsä
