Mikko Kanala left alcohol and bursts with energy

Mikko Kanala of Vimpelin Vedon has lived a non-alcoholic life since last summer. He finds athletes to be easily addicted in general, as training alone is addictive for many.

  • The channel tells of a huge change in the body and mind.
  • In the past, he might have lied about going out to get food, even though he bought liquor.
  • The channel suspects that many athletes are easily addicted.

Signed a two-year extension agreement with Vimpelin Veto Mikko Kanala29, looks confidently at the approaching super nest.

Kanala, who has won eleven Finnish Championship medals in his career, three of whom have won gold and three times been crowned the best in the country, also knows what he wants from the rest of his life. In this respect, last year was a turning point.

– The decision to seek Minnesota treatment last summer was paramount in my life. From there, I got lunch to take over alcoholism.

– My life is otherwise good, and my studies as an electrician, for example, have progressed well. If I hadn’t made the decision to leave for treatment last summer, we certainly wouldn’t be sitting doing this interview, Kanala says, looking straight into the eyes.

The channel compares to a year ago and says the difference is huge. He is talking about a new kind of energy.

– I’m really much more “fresher” than a year ago. At times, it feels like there is endless energy. At the same time, both the physical and the mental side are on a completely different level than for years.

– In the past, it felt like I was playing a role where everything is fine, even though it really wasn’t. When I get to be myself now, the difference is huge.

The Minnesota treatment for the canal will continue until the summer with weekly gatherings in Lapua.

– Gatherings in the middle of everyday life are reminiscent of what is at stake. Of course, it is possible to go to Lapua at any time after the end of treatment, if there is a need.

Vetolainen says the leaching of alcohol has not been close since last summer.

– It’s been really good. Sure, there have been a few times that it would be nice to be in a group for a free night out, but it has quickly evaporated as you look back on the old ones. For example, I skipped the Veto recreation weekend because I have been to enough “high camps”.

The spiral of years

The alcohol problem in the chicken has long roots. The situation gradually began to worsen after he moved from Halsua to Vimpel at the age of 17 to attend baseball high school.

– I joined high school down my throat, and absences accumulated. Still, I didn’t understand what it was about at the time, as I mirrored my spending to other peers.

– I never graduated as a student, even though I wrote three subjects practically without reading. I was missing a couple of courses due to absences, which is why the writing was interrupted, Kanala said in an interview with Iltalehti last summer.

In the same interview, Kanala said how alcohol was present weekly, sometimes daily, for years. At the same time, there were also absences from Veto’s exercises and games.

– When the craving struck, it didn’t look at time or place. When lust struck, a lie began, for the alcoholic is best to come up with explanations.

– I told you in the direction of Veto that I was sick several times when I had to get a drink. At home, I said I was going to buy food when the real need was to get some liquor and beer.

Despite everything, he tried to maintain a behind-the-scenes life.

– It was just hell. I tried to suggest that everything is fine even though I was punched in the cheese. At the same time, I felt immense shame at my teammates, as I constantly felt betrayed by drinking and lying to them.

Mikko Kanala has entered a new life with sobriety. Tomi Olli

– Drinking, respectively, eased the guilt for a while. Still, the relief was momentary. I had an compulsive need to drink more and more, which only made me feel worse. I usually drank as long as I had enough alcohol or went out.

Reflecting on the darkest moments of his life now, Kanala says that even final solutions were possible during drinking times.

– I wished many times that I wouldn’t even wake up to a new day. There has also been a big danger that I wouldn’t be here anymore, as I have been really mentally grounded several times and found myself completely useless. I’ve also been about to hurt myself badly, but luckily that never happened in the end.

At the same time, he says he is still sorry for his loved ones.

– I am very sorry for the pain I caused my loved ones. I still regret many things because of both mental and economic destruction.

Addictive athletes

Many athletes like the hockey star Marko Jantunen and hill jumping Janne Ahonen, like Kanala, have publicly reported their addiction problems. Kanala says he has gone through his alcohol addiction with the faces of the sports world fighting other addictions.

– I’ve talked about them with a few people, but I don’t want to say who it is. Athletes with similar problems understand very well what the issue is.

– Athletes are generally easy addicts, because training alone can be very passionate. So I would say that athletes will quickly find a common red thread on these things.

The hen believes that there are many species with addictions. Several also try to keep problems secret until the last minute.

– One of the reasons for this is certainly that the athlete wants to maintain a self-image that does not include problems. In this case, you also do not want to face the feeling of shame brought on by the problems. I also recognize this when I look at myself a few years ago.

– I really hope that those who struggle with problems will realize how much honesty and liberation can be achieved by honestly meeting and telling things, silence will only make the situation worse. Still, the most important thing is to admit the problem to yourself, before you can’t get help with it.

The channel as a whole considers the peer support it receives from the sports side as well as elsewhere to be of paramount importance.

– Talking and bringing things up is really important. Yet if one does not understand what is at stake despite their desire, it is as if the wind is shouting.

He says he’s also happy to be available if anyone wants to talk about it.

– I will help and give advice if asked, because I know what it means to get help. I still don’t want to be any Moses preaching any message.

For the start of the baseball season, Kanala’s playground may be found this time on the cop’s site instead of the old familiar firing line.

– I guess I play in both roles, although of course the line is my favorite place. Overall, I feel our team is ready to challenge the biggest medal favorites to come under Manse PP.
