Mikko Juvonen, star of the Toisenlaiset Frendit series, has died

The news of the death was confirmed by Mikko Juvonen’s brother.

Mikko Juvonen was a beloved person in the Toisenlaiset Frendit series. Henning Wiekhorst / Alamy Stock Photo

Mightily Friends of a different kind familiar from the program Mikko Juvonen has died on July 10. Juvonen’s brother confirmed the sad news Ilta-Sanom.

– Isobroid’s strength started to wane. He slept peacefully away, Juvonen’s brother says.

Juvonen passed away in the evening at home in Marjaniemi in a dormitory for people with intellectual disabilities. He had been ill with pneumonia a couple of weeks before his death.

The series was shown on Finnish television in 2010-2014. In addition to Juvonen, the main actors of the program were adults with intellectual disabilities Say, Sonja, Timo and Kata. In the series, the friends lived in the same house as neighbors, and their everyday life included, among other things, work and hobbies with their quirks.
