Mike Teunissen strong in the Tour of Norway | 1Limburg

Mike Teunissen has started the Tour of Norway strongly. The first two stages gave him two top-10 finishes.

Teunissen is driving in Norway as the leader of Team Jumbo Visma. It is his first stage race after a three-week altitude training period in Spain.

On day one of the Tour of Norway Teunissen crossed the finish line in eighth place. A day later he came centimeters short in the sprint to beat Ethan Hayter and had to settle for second place.

The rider from Ysselstein has fond memories of his participation in Scandinavia, where he finished third in the general classification last year and took home the points jersey.

Also read: Mike Teunissen on stage in Norway

Live at L1
From 8 to 12 June Mike Teunissen will ride in his own country during the ZLM Tour. In it one stage in Limburg, when the peloton drives from Heythuijsen to Buchten on Friday 10 June. The five-day stage race can be seen live on L1 TV daily.
