Mike Grier is becoming the NHL’s first black GM

Mike Grier is becoming a glass ceiling breaker in the NHL.

Mike Grier himself played in San Jose. PDO

The NHL club San Jose Sharks is, according to strong information, hiring a new GM Mike Grier’s.

What makes the hiring historic is that Grier would be the first black GM in the nearly 105-year history of the NHL.

He told about it, among other things Kevin Weekeswho himself played as a dark-skinned goalie in the NHL.

If you don’t see the embed, you can watch it from here.

The club has not made the information official, but is expected to announce it on Tuesday.

Dark-skinned people have been a clear minority in hockey, even though the number of such players has increased in the NHL.

American Grier himself played more than a thousand games in the NHL between 1996 and 2011.

After his playing career, he has worked as a scout in Chicago, an assistant coach in New Jersey and in management positions in the New York Rangers.

San Jose needed a new GM after leading the team for nearly 20 years Doug Wilson left his post in the spring. The club has been out of the playoffs in the three previous seasons.
