Mikael and Metti Forssell reveal how they make their urgent family life work

Metti and Mikael Forssell tell what is really important in their relationship in the midst of their busy everyday life

Metti and Mikael Forssell say that they live an urgent family life. Maija Knuuttila

Former soccer player Mikael Forssell and his blogger wife Matt opened MTV in their family archive Good morning Finland in the program today, October 14.

The couple said they live a busy family life as parents of three children. Metti stated that even in the middle of the rush, they share the parenting roles evenly.

– For us, equal parenting is really important and really essential for a relationship. If one person carried an awful lot more responsibility than the other, it would quickly start to burden and affect the relationship as well, Metti told the morning show.

– Of course, there will be stages when the other takes the booth a little more. It’s that kind of flexibility and adaptation all the time, he continued.

The story continues after the picture.

Metti and Mikael Forssell share the parenting roles equally. Jussi Eskola

Metti emphasized that in the midst of busy everyday life, it is important to communicate with your spouse.

– Even though it’s a boring answer, and it’s always the one that everyone tries to answer, it’s really important to just talk about things.

The couple, who got married in 2015, started dating in September Metti & Miklu -podcast, where they deal more with their relationship and family life. In the first episode, they recounted the beginning of their relationship.

They said that they met each other on a terrace in Helsinki, and Mikael immediately knew that Met was his future wife. The couple started seeing each other and keeping in touch. However, Metti wasn’t sure about the two’s relationship, and always arranged work for the same day so that he would have a good reason to go on a date.

– Actually, now that we’re going through this, you’ve been really horrible in the early stages of our relationship, Mikael said in the episode.

Source: MTV

Metti tells Iltalehti in August 2017 what is the most romantic act of football star Mikaell Forsell. Maija Knuuttila
