Mihambo would understand the EM cancellation

Germany’s long jump ace Malaika Mihambo would understand if the European Indoor Championships in Athletics in Istanbul were to be canceled.

After her victory at the Istaf Indoor in Berlin, the Olympic and world champion referred to the devastating effects of the severe earthquake in the Turkish-Syrian border area. The 29-year-old Mihambo said it was likely that she would start her own this week.

The EM is planned from March 2nd to 5th in Istanbul. The European Athletics Federation said this week that preparations would continue for the time being. But the situation is being monitored. For European athletics, the event is the high point of the short indoor season, as the World Championships will not be held in Glasgow until next year.

Lückenkemper leaves the start open

Double European champion Gina Lückenkemper did not mention an EM start after third place over 60 meters in her plans for the coming weeks. The sprinter will be at the German indoor championships in Dortmund next weekend and plans to start at a meeting in Birmingham afterwards. “Then we’ll probably go back to Florida for training,” said Lückenkemper. She joined a training group there.

Given the slight back problems, the 26-year-old was satisfied with her race in Berlin, in which the 26-year-old had no chance of winning after starting too slowly.
