Mihajlovic, everyone with him, city and club: “Hard blow but we will react”

The CEO Fenucci: “Bologna and the fans responded with the usual affection”. Field work entrusted to the faithful collaborators Taniga, Baldi, De Leo and Bazzani

“Unfortunately this is not a new situation and no one would have wanted to relive it.” The thought of Claudio Fenucci, CEO of Bologna, is common to the whole world of football and beyond, after Sinisa Mihajlovic announced his return to hospital for a new cycle of therapies. Tomorrow, when training resumes, Bologna will not be accompanied on the pitch by their leader who will instead return to Sant’Orsola to start the new treatments. “Precisely because we have already been there, each member of the technical staff, made up of quality professionals, will know how to help the coach and what responsibilities to take on to support their boss – Fenucci underlines at Ansa -. I trust in their work to ensure that that there are no repercussions on the team, for what is the delicacy of the situation. As for the players, the commitment has never been lacking “. Numerous messages of encouragement via social media of the team for the coach, also understandable the shock that hit the players and the club: “Mihajlovic had warned us of his situation from the first signs and clearly the news hit us deeply, given the link between us and him – says Fenucci -. I want to underline the important response of the city and all the cheering, which sent many messages of affection to Sinisa through the club, further demonstrating how this environment has tightened around its figure, with affection and esteem for the person “.


Even from the hospital, as he had already done after the discovery of the disease in the summer of 2019, Sinisa will follow the team in direct contact. “I have already had everything I need in the department set up in the room that will house me in terms of technology”, she had already said at the press conference on Saturday. Remote monitoring, direct contact with her men on the pitch, directions for the players. The Serbian coach will not miss anything, relying on his staff of trusted collaborators and with whom he knows how to understand even with a single glance. The inseparable Miroslav Tanjga will carry out the functions of head coach: lifelong friends, they lived 10 kilometers from each other, they played together with Vojvodina and the Red Star and were each other’s witness at their respective marriages . A total understanding that also manifests itself in everyday life, not only on the pitch. The connection between Sinisa, from his hospital room in the “Departmental Advanced Cellular Therapies Program” pavilion directed by Dr. Francesca Bonifazi, and the group will be Renato Baldi, in the Serbian staff since 2013. Mihajlovic will observe everything, training and matches, while remaining in contacting him and communicating the observations which will then be transferred to the bench.


Another key figure of the staff is Emilio De Leo, the tactician of the group who will work closely with Tanjga and will also take care of the pre and post match meetings with the press for linguistic reasons, since Tanjga speaks mainly Serbian and German. The new man of Mihajlovic’s staff is Fabio Bazzani, a former Bolognese center forward who never played in Bologna, who joined the group at the beginning of January in place of Gabriel Raimondi, who moved to work with the Uruguayan national team. With the athletic trainer Massimiliano Marchesi and the goalkeeper coach Luca Bucci this will be the team that from tomorrow, when training resumes, will act as a link between Sant’Orsola and the Casteldebole field.
