Migration crisis in New York “destroys”, says Burgemeester: “Zie geen einde aan dit probleem” | Buitenland

The migratory crisis “destroyed New York”, according to Eric Adams, the Democratic mayor of the American megalopool, which meant that 10,000 new economic migrants and foreign immigrants were brought in. These will be published on Thursday by various associations.

“I didn’t have a problem in my life, but it didn’t come soon. I had a problem with this problem,” said Adams during the debate.

In another half year, 110,000 migrants arrived in the American megalopool with 8.5 million immigrants. This will be done by the Republic’s governors, the buses of airline charters and migrants to Democratic bolwerken such as New York, Washington and Los Angeles.

Immigratie is one of the political hangijzer in the United States, and the conservative Grijpen is in the same situation as the Democratic President Joe Biden has been accused of changing the size of the country in Mexico.

Adams vraagt ​​federale hulp

Volgens de huidige wetgeving is New York obligated to onderdak, voedsel en zorg te biden aan iedereen die asiel aanvraagt. Burgemeester Adams, a black political agent, urges the federal government to help with the migration crisis. “Het medeleven van de New Yorkers like then onbeperkt zijn, onze middelen zijn dat niet”, zei hij in Augustus.

Zijn opmerkingen weekly leverden hem stevige criticism op van organisaties the opkomen voor de migranten’s rights. The New York Immigration Coalition accuses him of “that the responsibility for responsibility has been taken care of by foreigners (…) which has been made available to the public”.

“This written statement is what I was accused of by an extreme right-wing politicus,” says the Coalition for the Homeless and the Legal Aid Society in a comprehensive statement. The opmerkingen van de burgemeester zijn “onverantwoordelijk en gericht op het creëren van angst”, zeiden ze.
