Midas Dekkers attacks journalist in Op1: ‘Do you like this?!’

Midas Dekkers attacked a reporter from the Youth News yesterday in the talk show Op1. The television biologist has the idea that she enjoys anti-Russian sentiments.

© Op1

Reporter Noortje Deutekom has just returned from Ukraine, where she has made reports for the Jeugdjournaal. The journalist sat at the Op1 talk show table last night to talk about the anti-Russian sentiments in the country, even among children. She was in the studio with a rocket hug.

shooting gallery

Noortje finds the atmosphere in Ukraine striking. “The funny thing is, or the striking thing, that the anti-Russian sentiment is already playing out in the children’s heads. We were walking on the street there, then you see big signs on the street with Putin’s face, which children from five years old can shoot at.”

She continues: “That really happens as an outing. They enjoy that a lot. It’s kind of the shooting gallery idea.”

‘Do you like that?!’

TV biologist Midas Dekkers finds it strange that Noortje calls this ‘witty’. “Do you like that?!”

Noortje: “Not me.”

Midas: “Oh.”

Noortje: “The children really enjoy it. That is done there as an outing by such a family. I have been to Odessa where a lot of Russian is spoken and there you also see that during an interview children choose not to speak Russian anymore. Some kids don’t talk about ‘the Russians’ either, but about ‘the monsters’ and ‘the trolls’.”


Midas annoyed: “Again: do you like that?”

Noortje: “Do I have an opinion about that?”

Midas: “Well, you say it like you think it’s fantastic that those kids see people from another country as monsters.”

Noortje: “I find it very remarkable that this comes from the children’s mouths. That’s what struck me.”

Midas: “It is remarkable, yes.”

Jort Kelder at the end of the item: “Let’s hope that in fifty years’ time that anger will not still be there.”


Noortje at the table at Op1:
