Michelle Hunziker, Tomaso Trussardi’s social greetings

Ltheir love story may have come to an end, but between Michelle Hunziker and Tomaso Trussardi there is still a nice bond. This is demonstrated by the happy birthday message that the entrepreneur addressed to the now ex-wife on the occasion of the 45 candles blown out by the showgirl.

Michelle Hunziker, Tomaso Trussardi’s greeting post

Happy birthday greetings from Tomaso Trussardi to his ex-wife (Photo Instagram Stories @therealtrussardigram)

Best wishes to an extraordinary woman»: Few words but with a very deep meaning if we think that the two made official the end of their marriage only a few days ago. A discreet post that Tomaso shared between Stories of Instagram accompanied by a photo of the Swiss blonde on a cot with the beloved little dog Odin. After all, the two, in the press release with which they communicated the end of their love story, one of the most beautiful in the star system, specified the commitment “to continue with love and friendship the growth path of our wonderful little girls “.

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