Michelle Hunziker: “After two divorces I believe in love”

michelle Hunziker is experiencing a special moment. Concluded the story with the entrepreneur Tomaso Trussardi and after having rediscovered a beautiful bond with her ex-husband Eros Ramazzotti, is finally enjoying her new adventure as a new grandmother. But despite this it seems he has no intention of giving up on love…

Michelle Hunziker, the amusing gag on the word

Michelle Hunziker: “I’m not looking for a relationship”

Interviewed by the weekly Today, the showgirl has decided to tell how she is experiencing this moment of her life. Indeed, she stated: “Of course after two divorces I believe in love. And bad too! I’m 46, I don’t think my life is over.” Even if immediately after she specified: «I’m not looking for a relationship. But if it comes I’d be happy. Of course, whoever takes me takes on a big bandwagon with three children, a nephew, two ex-husbands».

Then he addressed the issue of loneliness. “Everyone is scared. But it is a fear that must be facedbecause it’s only when you’re comfortable alone, when you don’t need crutches, that you can choose the people you want around you».

Michelle Hunziker on 25 September 2022 in Milan, guest at the Giorgio Armani fashion show. Credit: Valentina Frugiuele/Getty Images

Michelle’s great loves

When she talks about divorce, Michelle Hunziker talks about two men in particular: Eros Ramazzotti and Tomaso Trussardi. The two great loves of his life. With the singer the showgirl he had his first daughter, Aurora Ramazzotti. And their wedding, celebrated at the Orsini-Odescalchi castle in Bracciano in 1998, was also attended by Tina Turner. The separation came in 2002, while the divorce in 2009.

Hunziker’s second great love story was the one with Tomaso Trussardi, son of the founder of the homonymous fashion house. The two – who had two daughters (Sun and Heavenly) – they separated in January 2022 after four years of living together and seven years of marriage.

Michelle Hunziker: «Grandma is a word»

With the arrival of little Cesare – son of Aurora Ramazzotti and Goffredo Cerza – Michelle has become a grandmother. And on several occasions you have joked about this fact. In the aforementioned interview with the weekly Today also addressed this issue. «It makes me infinitely tender to hold my little nephew in my arms. With him I powerfully felt the circle of life going on, an event that it is the greatest blessing“, he said.

Does the title “grandmother” weigh you down? “It doesn’t bother me. I feel it as a great pride, I live it well. Also because I know I’m young.” And she promises: “I’ll take him to play football, karate, travel and a thousand other things. Time and energy play in my favor. Grandma is a word».

