Michela Murgia: “Getting sick is not a catastrophe”

“TOGetting sick is normal, healing is normal and choosing what to stop at is also normal. ” For Michela Murgia the year did not begin as he would have liked, but of life, you know, you have to take and accept the good moments and the less good ones.

Michela Murgia: the year did not start as expected

And that’s exactly what it did the writer of “Accabadora” in front of the disease which, as she writes on a post on Facebook, showed up without warning, forcing her to cancel the dates of the show “Morgana”, expected for the next few weeks.

Michela Murgia cancels the dates in the theater

“I too dreamed of starting the year in theaters, meeting people and returning to look them in the eyes” he writes “instead I started it from the ICUwhich is following a slow cure that will require very different rhythms from those I have always lived and worked on. Some things I will be able to do, but others not and long journeys and physically performative situations are for now out of my reach ».

“Illness is not a catastrophe”

But Murgia, who also thanks all those who wrote to her making her “feel less alone”, is keen to let her supporters know that, despite the normal concern in these situations, he does not consider «the disease a catastrophe, but a piece of my life which is as good as the others and which I do not want to treat as a dark secret or something to be ashamed of ».

And for this reason, he adds, “you will see on this page the things I have always shared, whether they were private images, public battles or memes about BTS, but shares of my care will also appear from time to timewhich is part of me like everything else ».

The tumor in 2014

The writer, 49, had made it known of a thoracic surgery to the Fatebenefratelli hospital in Rome, but had not given further details. And, even this time he has not decided to specify which disease it is.

But Murgia knows what it means to be sick. In 2014 she said she had decided to write his book “Chirù” right after the discovery that you have cancer. A disease cured, but which, as he confessed at the time, he continued to think “like a gentleman who, sitting on a bench, goes away forgetting the newspaper. He might come back to take it at any time. Or never come back. ‘

Michela Murgia: afterwards it could be even better

Perhaps for this reason, he is aware that “getting sick is normal, healing is normal and choosing what to stop at is also normal“. And he is also aware that it is not certain that «everything will return to the way it was before, but what comes next could even be better. Let’s give ourselves the time to make it happen ».



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