Mia & Dion talk ‘gibberish’ and Duncan Laurence? ‘Refuse again!’

The attitude of the Eurovision couple Mia & Dion and their mentor Duncan Laurence ensures that the song festival does not really live with people this year. “They’re talking gibberish!”


Tonight is the day: Mia & Dion will sing their song Burning Daylight in Liverpool at the Eurovision Song Contest. They have come across as a lot more mediagenic in recent days, but have made a false start. And also in their documentary, which was broadcast the day before yesterday and was very poorly viewed, they come across as quite unworldly.

Bagel with salmon

Mia Nicolai talks about how she and Dion Cooper were brought together by their mentor Duncan Laurence. “I think that came about as naturally as when they wake up in the morning and ask each other: ‘What do you want for breakfast? What if we start eating a bagel with avocado now?’ ‘Yes!’ ‘And what if we add an egg!’”

Dion: “Yes, it is almost a kind of second nature or something.”

Mia: “He said, ‘We have a vision. What if you and Dion do the duet for Eurovision as a kind of Adam and Eve who are going to tell you honestly what it’s like to be human.’”


Wilfred Genee doesn’t like it. He responds in Today Inside: “What the hell are we looking at? What is this gibberish?”

Colleague René van der Gijp: “Yes, how do you manage to put those two together.”

Job Knoester: “Yes, isn’t this completely idiotic?”

René: “I don’t understand where they got those two from.”

Wilfred: “They’re from another planet, aren’t they?”

René: “That guy too, dude. If you hear him talk. Good, dude.”

Johan Derksen: “The whole of the Netherlands should be ashamed of that.”


They are all strange types, Johan thinks. “While you have a whole platoon of good vocalists in the Netherlands and while the smarties are in charge… Duncan has been given every freedom to bring in boyfriend and girlfriend, but if you hear that Duncan talking. He is either always stoned…”

Wilfred: “Yes, he is on the mushrooms.”

Johan: “Yes, or he’s out of his mind.”

Wilfred: “Yes, he is eating mushrooms! It’s loosened up a bit.”

Johan: “What a scary kid that is, dude.”

And what does he think of Mia? “He comes from another planet this girl.”

Where’s Duncan?

How is Duncan Laurence doing now? He still refuses to speak to the media. Eddy Zoëy last night in RTL Boulevard: “He did not give home again.”

Aran Bade is on site in Liverpool and has not yet spoken to Duncan. “Well, zero point zero, nothing really. He dashed into that bus. We were also a bit on the other side of the road because of the rain. “

Private boss Evert Santegoeds thinks it’s all too late. He says in Shownieuws: “I didn’t find them very unsympathetic today. Even almost nice. And that’s for the first time. It’s much too late, I think. Nobody sympathizes with these two people, I think.”
