Mia and Dion? Not prepared enough!’

The Eurovision couple Mia and Dion eagerly blame their crazy performance in Madrid on the faltering technique, but that is not quite right, according to the winner Loreen.

© Jasper Suyk, RTL

Mia and Dion state that during the Eurovision Song Contestpre party in Madrid so terribly out of tune because their in-ears didn’t work well, but critics say that’s not a good excuse. For example, Ronald Molendijk says that an experienced artist simply takes off those in-ears and anticipates the situation.

“Always trouble!”

Painfully enough, this is now endorsed by the Swedish entry and former winner Loreen, who is also this year’s declared winner. “I have not met them, but I have heard the song,” she says in front of the RTL Boulevard camera.

Reporter Aran Bade: “There were technical problems with the earphones, they said.”

Loreen: “There are always technical issues.”

Prepare well

Aran: “That’s why they sang out of tune. They said, “Loreen had no problems at all.” How do you react to that?”

Loreen: “To be honest, it wasn’t the best sound ever, but I’m used to it. You know it can happen. You look and think: so that’s how it sounds, ok. And then you have to prepare for that. If you are not prepared for it, it will be difficult.”

This is where the difference in experience becomes clear, comments Daphne Bunskoek in the studio. “This woman just has a lot of experience.”

Own technician

Aran: “Yes, she actually says casually: ‘Prepared well.’ She said that she brings her own technician to those performances. I have to say: this is Laureen, she can say that. Mia and Dion clearly didn’t have that with them.”

Daphne: “Yes, but come on. You just say it: ‘I want a technician!’”

Aran: “It will be a very important moment for Mia and Dion. If they cheat again… Yeah, I don’t know. I don’t vouch for it.”

False as a hoop

Beau van Erven Dorens thinks there is no excuse for singing so out of tune. He says in his talk show: “We always say at home: we don’t have to push this knife further into the body, but we call this as false as a hoop.”

When Eurovision commentator Cornald Maas steps in for Mia and Dion, Beau interrupts him sternly: “No, but listen Cornald, I also feel very sorry for them and I also understand that you stand up for them, but it was just as false as a hoop.”
