Mexico outraged by resolution in EU Parliament on violence against the press

MEXICO CITY/BRUSSELS (dpa-AFX) – The Mexican government responded to a resolution by the European Parliament on violence against journalists and activists in Mexico with an angry letter. “Don’t forget that we are no longer anyone’s colony,” said the letter, which was published on Friday night (local time). “Leave behind your meddling mania disguised as good intentions. You are not the world government”.

In Thursday’s resolution, the European Parliament condemned “the threats, harassment and killings of journalists and human rights defenders in Mexico, including environmentalists and indigenous peoples and communities”. It “notes with concern the systematic and harsh criticism leveled at journalists and their work by the highest authorities in the Mexican government, and condemns the frequent attacks on media freedom”.

Seven journalists have already been killed in Mexico this year. According to a report by Reporters Without Borders, the same number of journalists were killed in connection with their work in the North American state throughout the past year. This made Mexico the most dangerous country for journalists in 2021 for the third year in a row. It is often drug cartels and corrupt local politicians who take action against the press. According to the government, more than 90 percent of attacks go unpunished – overall, few crimes are solved in Mexico.

Populist President Andrés Manuel López Obrador repeatedly accuses journalists who report critically about his government of being in cahoots with neoliberal opposition politicians, who he says are corrupt. He regularly portrays them publicly as liars. Most recently, he asked several prominent journalists to disclose their earnings./nk/DP/ngu
