Mexican football league halted after stadium battle | Football

After more than an hour of play, the field of the Corregidora stadium was stormed by fans and the match was stopped. It was the start of extremely violent riots throughout the stadium.

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Supporters of both clubs sought a confrontation and clashed in the stands. Security guards decided to open the fences around the field so that supporters could get to safety on the field. The players went into the dressing rooms. There was also fighting outside the stadium.

The match in the highest Mexican league was not labeled as a risk match in advance. There was little police presence, so the rioters had free rein.

Horrific images are circulating on social media of the riots, which in Mexico have been described as “the most serious football-related violence ever”. The battle raises questions about Mexico as co-host of the World Cup in 2026. The organization of the tournament is assigned to Mexico, Canada and the United States.
