Meteorological winter starts on Friday with freezing cold

The meteorological winter starts on Friday with icy temperatures of -1 to -7 degrees at night and in the early morning. In the east of the country there is a chance of a local ice day if the temperature remains below freezing all day, Weeronline reports.

Winter according to the astronomical calendar starts on December 21, but for meteorologists, December 1 is the beginning of winter. Friday is the first day of meteorological winter and is the coldest day of the week. During the night and early morning it is -1 to -4 degrees on a large scale and in the eastern half of the country it may freeze harder than -5 degrees. “It can be -7 degrees in the coldest places and skating could then be possible on a single sprayed-on ice rink,” said the weather bureau.

Nice winter weather

It will continue to freeze for a while on Friday morning and it will be beautiful winter weather. In the west the temperature rises one degree above zero in the afternoon, but in the east it can remain freezing all day. In that case it is an ice day. In the west, the mercury drops below freezing in many places in the evening. In the northern coastal area and on the west coast there is a chance of a few winter showers with hail and snow on Friday.

The meteorological winter starts relatively cold this year. Last year on December 1 it was 6 degrees in the east to 9 degrees at sea, which according to Weeronline are normal afternoon temperatures for this time of year.
