Metaverse Fashion Week returns in March

Metaverse Fashion Week (MVFW) returns, as announced by organizer and promoter Decentraland.

The Metaverse-based fashion event runs from March 28th to 31st and is the virtual conclusion of the spring/summer 2023 season.

This year, virtual community Decentraland and marketplace for non-fungible tokens Unxd have partnered with metaverses Spatial and Over to expand the event to new platforms.

The overarching theme of MVFW 23 is “Future Heritage”. The aim is to connect the next generation of fashion creators and traditional fashion designers to build a bridge between the different meta-worlds.

“MVFW is a defining moment for digital fashion, allowing both brands and consumers to experience the future of fashion,” said Unxd CEO Shashi Menon. “MVFW is a direct extension of Unxd’s mission, a connection between Creating luxury in the real world and metaverse. After our successful first season with Decentraland, we’re excited to expand the MVFW platform to more metaverses together.”

What to expect

By adding two new metaverse platforms, Decentraland wants to encourage digital fashion designers to consider the multiple possibilities of the different worlds a “wearable” can be brought into.

The company therefore put together a committee of curators from the Institute of Digital Fashion (iODF) and the digital fashion house The Fabricant to select designers for the project. The invited designers will contribute to a new digital plaza.

Miami Fashion Week will be the first official fashion week to attend the event. The fashion shows and special events are held at the organization’s L’Atelier, located in Decentraland’s luxury fashion district.

Tech companies Threedium and Cash Labs, as well as decentralized trading company Boson, will be back again this season. They each bring a range of in-game experiences, such as a luxury mall with trading infrastructure, phygital product sales, and augmented reality (AR).

New functions for more digital luxury

As with the last edition, MVFW has a focus on luxury and returns to the Luxury Fashion District, where numerous brands will present digital collections on the catwalks and in stores.

While the full program won’t be announced until early January, the platform said it wants to make it easier for brands to participate in the Metaverse through new self-service tools for creating wearables. In addition, Decentraland has also introduced the possibility of “renting” space for specific periods of time.

Luxury fashion houses will be exhibited in different areas of the site, while emerging designers will also be part of the program as part of the new division MVFW Neo – celebrating next-generation digital designers selected by Decentraland.

MVFW will also feature the unveiling of the event’s first official supermodel, Tangpoko.

This translated and edited post previously appeared on
