Metal artwork that saved man from demolition turns out to be worth tens of thousands of euros | show

He once saved it from demolition and paid about 30 guilders for it, but the metal artwork that the owner brought with him tonight in the program Between Art and Kitsch turns out to be worth much more. Expert Paul van Rosmalen estimated the object at a value of no less than 60,000 euros tonight.

About 35 years ago, the man came across the round work of art during a visit to a metal company. The object was actually ripe for demolition, but the man was so fascinated by the object that he decided to buy it. What he paid for it? About 25 to 30 guilders, he said tonight at the table in the program Between Art and Kitsch.

Expert Paul van Rosmalen understood exactly why the man did not leave the metal work of art. “This immediately stands out. It doesn’t surprise me that Mr. noticed it at the time, “he sounded enthusiastically. However, the man had no idea what kind of artwork it was. Van Rosmalen managed to tell him that. “It belongs to the artist François Morellet, born in 1926, from a family of manufacturers.” What makes it so special, the expert explained, is that Morelett was one of the few artists who worked geometrically, abstractly.

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The metal work of art in Between Art and Kitsch © Avrotros

According to Van Rosmalen, the artwork was ‘not unique in that sense’, because it was made in several formats and several editions at the time. But, he emphasized: “This is not just put together.”

Of course, the man was not just a guest in the program and wanted to know from Van Rosmalen how much the metal artwork was worth. “On a few occasions I have seen them pass by and then you quickly think of an amount of 60,000 euros”, was his verdict. The man could agree with that. “Well, I like that,” he concluded with a satisfied smile on his face.

The owner of the artwork.

The owner of the artwork. © Avrotros

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