Meta works on an alternative basis for Twitter | Internet

Meta, the mode of operation of social media platforms Facebook and Instagram, is based on the development of an alternative for Twitter, called threads. That was written by Alessandro Paluzzi.

Paluzzi tweeted long ago that the new Twitter cloon was brought to the Google Play Store. That bleek real om een ​​forgetting te gaan, want de app is momenteel niet beschikbaar. Paluzzi slaagde he wel in om screenshots van de app te made, which laat een glimp van de Gebruikersinterface laat zien.

A screenshot shows the login information, so that you can log in via your Instagram profile. Another screenshot toont een lijst van gevolgde accounts van Instagram, which suggests that the use of optie zullen hebben om the accounts te volgen op threads.

Veel overeenkomsten with Twitter

Threads are used as functionalities in aesthetics as well as often overeenkomsten with Twitter. Based on the screenshots, the app tells you about a character perking for reports, even if you know the pictograms for het herplaatsen, liken, answered and given a report. Profile photos have been published in previous kaders.

The development of threads is also based on the code name ‘Project 92’ when it begins in January when it starts working at Meta. Volgens Meta’s chief product officer Chris Cox will de naam bevestigd tijdens een preview van Threads, waar het bedrijf feedback kreeg van makers en publike figures die en platform willen dat goed wordt beheerd. An official launch date for threads is not yet available.
