Messy jackpot – This is how much Saga Vanninen gets for the World Championship silver

The World Championship medal can also be seen in the bank account of the 20-year-old Finn.

Saga Vanninen celebrated in Glasgow on Friday evening. EPA / AOP

Saga Vanninen20, grabbed a nice prize money for the pentathlon World Cup silver.

In the Glasgow indoor track world championships, the second place gets 20,000 dollars, i.e. a good 18,400 euros.

Winners earn $40,000 and bronze medalists $10,000. Fourth place gets $8,000, sixth place $6,000 and sixth place $4,000.

A total of USD 2.464 million in prize money is awarded at the Indoor World Championships.

In addition to the money from the investments, every athlete who makes an ME result receives a bonus of $50,000.

Vanninen won the World Championship silver with new SE points of 4,677. The 20-year-old athlete ran the 60-meter hurdles in 8.33, high jumped 179, shot put 15.01, jumped long 641 and ran 800 meters in 2:20.54.

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