Messi has become a businessman

06/11/2023 at 08:00


Messi is no longer just the best footballer in the world, with his signing for Inter Miami he has become a businessman. His fame and prestige fall in love. This explains his change of plan. When he seemed willing to accept a super-million dollar offer from arabianguaranteed by the Saudi government, changed his mind as soon as his financial advisers made him see that in American soccer he would have a good chance of becoming a “business man”.

Leo has not been seduced by the soccer contract, only 25 million dollars since the MLS League has established salary caps. They have convinced himApple and Adidas, that assure him a part of the television rights that his presence generates and an important ‘royalty’ of the ‘merchandaising’ that is sold. As you can guess, It is a three-way economic operation that guarantees Messi’s sports contract.

adidas he has kept the ‘soccer’ shirts for 10 years paying 1,000 million dollars in a move that seeks to control American football in the same way that in its day Nike achieved dominance in the NBA with Jordan as a star. The German brand wants to use Leo to secure the soccer market three years after the USA World Cup.

Manzanafor his part, has acquired the audiovisual rights of the MLS for ten years, ensuring 2,500 million dollars and a wide international diffusion. In addition, Apple + will carry out a series with the Argentine star: Messi and the World Cups.

Soccer in the United States is in a phase of expansion and exploitation with the World Cup in sight. MLS, until a couple of years ago, was a second division league. And now it takes an important qualitative leap. But there is more, David Beckham is willing to pay Leo an extra bonus in the form of club shares based on success. A franchise, by the way, that was given to the English star five years ago for 25 million dollars, a month ago was valued at 500 and with the arrival of Messi its price has doubled.

In Messi’s change of plans Antonella and her children have also influenced. Miami is the Hispanic capital of the United States and there it will be much easier for them to integrate, both because of the language, the way of life and the schools. Leo is not concerned that Inter is last in the League, he is interested in Beckham’s plans to turn it into a world reference club that is facing the construction of a new stadium.

For all these reasons, he is convinced that a great future is opening up for him hand in hand with Apple and Adidas, not in vain does he look in the mirror of its president, who has become an influential businessman in the world of sports. Faced with an offer of these characteristics, the desire to return to Barça remained a spring dream.


You have to forget about Messi until the great tribute that the Barcelona fans owe him in a few years. Now what he has to do is sell well, sign better and make a competitive team for the Champions League.

The economic situation is not the best, the wage bill continues unbridled and the “fair play” de la Liga seems like the eye of the enemy. Xavi calls for proven reinforcements while matthew alemany cast the nets. Nothing will be easy but everything is possible.


The top shareholder of Inter Miami has known how to stay in the shadows, negotiating agreements and looking for brands to make Messi’s signing possible. Beckham has earned the confidence of the Argentine staraware that the football contract was only the starting point of ‘Operation Messi’.

A presentation is prepared in style with the presence of journalists from all over the world. Leo fully enters the American show business.
