Message from President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to the 17th Conference of Ministers Responsible for Sports of the Council of Europe -…

Expressing that the coming together of different societies on the common ground of sports contributes to the strengthening of the atmosphere of peace as well as increasing cooperation, President Erdoğan said:

Stating that they are pleased to host the ministers responsible for sports of the member countries of the Council of Europe in Turkey, Erdoğan wished that the conference would be auspicious for the countries, athletes and sports communities.

“In today’s world where conflicts and wars occupy the global agenda, we need the unifying and embracing aspect of sports more. As Turkey, we try to fulfill our responsibility towards humanity through the international sports organizations we host with this understanding.”


Emphasizing that investments in sports facilities and spreading sports across the country are increasing day by day, Erdoğan continued as follows:

“We see the success of our athletes in different branches in international sports competitions as the results of the importance we attach to sports. I hope we will continue to take steps that will make our people love sports and make Turkey a country of sports in the coming period. We will continue to take steps to develop our cooperation in sports management under the roof of the Council of Europe, of which we are a founding member. I would like to take this opportunity to express that we are ready.

I believe that the discussions and decisions to be made within the framework of the conference will help us in this process. I would like to thank all the participants who contributed to the conference with their valuable ideas and enriched its content. With these thoughts in mind, I wish the 17th Conference of Ministers Responsible for Sports of the Council of Europe to be beneficial. On behalf of myself and my country, I congratulate everyone, especially the officials of the Council of Europe and the Ministry of Youth and Sports, who contributed to the organization of the meeting.
