Merz does not make any specifications for voting on the Growth Opportunities Act

SCHMALLENBERG (dpa-AFX) – CDU parliamentary group leader Friedrich Merz does not want to give the Union-led state governments any guidelines on how to vote in the Bundesrat on the controversial Growth Opportunities Act. “There is a certain tendency in our parliamentary group – subject, of course, to the final texts and legislation – to agree to this Growth Opportunities Act, because in our opinion it is at least going in the right direction,” said Merz on Friday at the end of a two-day closed conference in Schmallenberg, Sauerland . “Relieving the economy, including taxes and levies, is not wrong now in this situation that we are in.”

What happens in the Bundesrat, however, would have to be decided by the federal states, which would ultimately help finance the law and would therefore have to clarify the questions with the federal government. “In any case, I will not make any specifications as to how the B countries, i.e. how the countries co-governed by the Union, behave towards this law in the Bundesrat.”

The federal government wants to help the German economy with tax relief for companies until 2028 and an acceleration of approval procedures. The relief in the so-called Growth Opportunities Act should amount to seven billion euros annually./beg/bk/DP/men
