Merel Ek puts Johan Derksen in his place

Merel Ek put Johan Derksen in his place after a derogatory comment about her position. “If I hadn’t been standing there, you wouldn’t have talked about anything tonight!”


Pieter Omtzigt has more or less collapsed the formation, but was not available for comment yesterday. The NSC leader was on Humberto Tan’s talk show in the evening, but many reporters were not satisfied with that. A GeenStijl reporter in particular was quite pissed off; he went after MP Nicolien van Vroonhoven.


When Nicolien shouts that she would like to go home, the cheeky reporter lets us know that he doesn’t care; he just wanted answers. Merel Ek, reporter for Hart van Nederland and Today Inside, understands that. “Everyone there wants to go home, but everyone there also wants an answer from Pieter Omtzigt, and what does Pieter Omtzigt do?”

Johan Derksen is critical of this: “Yes, but there is none and to be honest, I find it embarrassing to see these kinds of images, because your profession – if that is a profession – is portrayed, boys… You hop behind such a lady like rascals. who is not allowed to say anything, because Omtzigt is the only one who is allowed to say something.”

“There isn’t one!”

Merel does not understand this attack from Johan. “Yes, but where is Omtzigt, Johan? There isn’t one!”

Johan: “He chooses his own spokesperson and that is Humberto! He chooses the safest path. Humberto gets up his ass and he can say whatever he wants without any resistance.”

Merel: “But this is not even… He invites NOS, Volkskrant, AD to another place to catch up with them behind the scenes. RTL and SBS, for example, have not been invited to this. We can no longer speak to him either. Sam is screeching on his way to Humberto’s studio to see if he can still catch him there…”

“Don’t get angry!”

René van der Gijp notices that Merel is quite pissed off at Johan. “Don’t get angry, dude, let go.”

Merel then decides to reprimand Johan sternly: “No, but you say: ‘Whether it is a profession.’ If we don’t stand there waiting all the time and asking for things, you won’t be talking about it tonight.”

Wilfred: “Just so you know! That you know your place!”

Applause follows in the studio.


Johan sticks to his position. “It may be a profession, but I would still refuse to run after such a bitch with a microphone in an inferior way.”

Furthermore, the VI star also says that he is disappointed with Omtzigt. “I’m disappointed. I have the same problem as René and Hélène had with the VVD: you vote for that party because I think they are sensible people who keep Wilders and the BBB in check. VVD and Omtzigt could then have determined the policy. He shouldn’t whine now!”
