Merel Ek back in VI after being insulted by Johan Derksen: ‘Nonsense!’

Merel Ek has returned to Today Inside after the enormous insult by Johan Derksen. She comes down hard on him about nonsense he spreads. “You’re from the 60s!”


Johan Derksen spent a week spreading his unprecedented outdated ideas about maternity leave. In passing he noted that colleague Merel Ek must take into account that she will lose her job as a political reporter for Today Inside if she becomes pregnant. In other words: harsh pregnancy discrimination.

Merel strikes back

It is of course prohibited by law, so Merel is not satisfied with that. She sat in for the first time last night Today Inside after Johan’s ugly comments. “I just work and if I get pregnant, I take maternity leave and then I just come back.”

According to Merel, Johan’s statements that pregnant women are disastrous for an employee make no sense. “Yes, I don’t know what it was all week, but people were saying all the time that the entrepreneur would suffer financially, but the UWV would simply pay for everything. A hundred percent.”

The 60’s

Johan, who has been saying for days that his colleagues at the table do not have the right knowledge, suddenly realizes that he has spread nonsense. “Yes, now there is an arrangement.”

Merel: “Since 2001 or so, I think!”

Ancient oracle Johan: “But at the time I was working on that axe, there was no such arrangement at all and everything was at the company’s expense.”

Merel: “When did you chop with that axe?”

Wilfred laughs: “You have to think about the 60s.”


René van der Gijp starts laughing. “Hahaha!”

Merel: “No, but the point is: it was pretended all the time that this was still the case, but the UWV simply pays one hundred percent of the daily wage of the person who is on maternity leave. You will indeed have to arrange for someone else to replace you. That might be a bit complicated organizationally…”

Johan: “That only becomes complicated if the person is very good.”


Merel thinks that the men of VI have been sloppy. “If it is mentioned every time and you can just google it, then it is good to take it with you.”

Google? Is that also on Johan’s typewriter? Merel sternly: “And you also say all the time: ‘Six months!’ A woman is not out of action for six months. That’s three to four months and then you’re back to normal up and running!”
