Mercury in Taurus is wise, has practical sense and a nose for business the slowness complex. Let’s face it: for Mercury, the planet that presides over words and thoughts, it is not a great advertisement to live in the ruminant sign of Taurus. So much so that in astrology it is defined as “falling”, a word that gives off a sense of fatigue.

Detail of the “Charter of the signs of the Zodiac, with Venus, Cupid and a holy bishop” by Hans Baldung dating back to the sixteenth century (photo Alamy / Ipa).

But this is not the case. Falling why? To begin with, unlike that lightning bolt of Mercury in Gemini, it does not express itself easily. Perhaps because spends more time weighing and evaluating each sentence. Nor is it caustic like that satanic flicker of Mercury in Scorpiodefined as “in exaltation” because it is as sharp as a blade and unbeatable in unearthing the sharpest word.

Mercury in Taurus, on the other hand, is of a completely different type of pasta, or rather, a planetary paste, gifted with practical sense and an unsurpassed memory. Of course, it takes longer than the others to remember but then everything remains imprinted in his mind.

And unlike that madman of his colleague in Pisces, he doesn’t waste time playing cards with infinity, but he is wise and has common sense. He sees and provides with good taste.

When he speaks he does not use snobbish sophistry like his counterpart in Libra. On the contrary, he is straightforward and rational and looks everyone straight in his eyes. An example of Mercury in Taurus? You can find it in the Birth Chart of George Clooney and Chiara Ferragni with a natural flair for business. Does that seem little to you?

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