Mercedes Milá pronounces on the statements of William Levy: “That happens a lot”

04/22/2023 at 10:39 p.m.


The journalist responds to the Cuban’s interview for El Mundo, where she stated that what Milá did could not have been done by a man

Mercedes Mila He has openly declared himself a fan of William Levy. The journalist’s love for the Cuban actor was such that even Movistar + organized an event so that the Catalan could interview her idol. And Milá was as she has always been, extroverted, daring and fearless of anything: she hugged her guest, and even flirted with him.

Now, William Levy has been questioned about the attitude of his interviewer in a talk for The world. “Mercedes Milá declared her love for you several times. What she did could have been done by a man?” “Of course not! He goes to jail, he goes to jail, or not? So, we are wrong”, responded the protagonist of ‘Woman-fragranced coffee’who wanted to clarify that he did not feel sexually harassed.

The actor’s words have caused great controversy, and Milá could not remain silent about this. For this reason, the presenter of ‘Big Brother’ He has responded on his Instagram: “Dear William, I have read that they asked you about me in an interview and that they tried to put you in gardens where you spoke ill of me. That happens a lot. It happens to me 1,000 times and you haven’t done it . So what you said is absolutely true.“.

If the interview that I did with you had been done by a man with a woman, I would be in prison. Well, not a prisoner, but of course they would have given birth to him, very sure. Instead, I could allow myself to give you a neck massage, kiss you, flirt with you and nothing happened, “he has continued to downplay the controversy generated.

In the interview for The world, the Cuban was also asked about the current relationship with the showoman, after she said that Levy no longer answered her messages. “I can’t live waiting for someone to get upset if I don’t call her. If he gets upset, that’s his problem.“.

The journalist has also responded to these words in her post: “It is evident that when I said that you had not written to me, it was with a mixture of laughter and half a heart. You say ‘Well, I can’t take care of that’, Well, you’re absolutely right in the world”. Finally, he concluded by thanking the actor for his love and calling on his followers to watch Levy’s latest series ‘Monte Cristo’.
