Mercedes did it again – the new F1 is completely different

Mercedes, the dominant champion in the Formula 1 series, is once again trying out a completely technical solution.

The Mercedes W13 looks like this in Bahrain. AOP

Many remember the DAS system that rocked the steering wheel and helped control. Formulafans also remember the diffuser of Brawn GP, ​​who had a superior 2009 season.

Formula 1 garages are looking for a competitive advantage with new innovations. And when a different solution works, other teams follow suit and try to copy the same for themselves.

The reforms in the F1 series for the coming season may shape the balance of power in the new faith. Once again, Mercedes seems to have come up with something different from the other stables. Formula crashes are now making a fuss about the racer brought by the team to the Bahrain tests, which will be run from 10th to 12th. March.

There are virtually no side pontoons in the Mercedes car. It will soon be seen whether there is much benefit to the solution. In any case, the car is different from the competitors.

F1 tests became even more interesting when Lewis Hamilton and George Russell present a weasel called W13 in real action.

If you don’t see the Twitter update below, you can check it out from here.

The Mercedes car is receiving a lot of attention in Bahrain. AOP

George Russell replaces Valtteri Bottas as a teammate of Lewis Hamilton. AOP
