Mercedes chases Audi through Berlin: first crash, then Kloppe

The Audi crashed into an allotment garden

The Audi crashed into an allotment garden Photo: Spreepicture

By Dirk Boettger

Crazy chase late Thursday evening in Neukölln and Baumschulenweg! A Mercedes is said to have pursued an Audi A8 at high speed. When the Audi crashed into an allotment, fists flew between the occupants of both cars.

When the police arrived, everyone involved was gone. Witnesses described what is said to have happened before.

According to initial findings, the pursued Audi A8 lost control of its car in the narrow Privet Lane and crashed to the left into an allotment garden, where the car got stuck on its side.

The Mercedes also stopped. According to BZ information, there was a fight between the occupants of both vehicles. Even before the alerted police arrived at the scene, the Mercedes sped away. The Audi – apparently no longer roadworthy – stopped, but the occupants disappeared without a trace.

What remained was a partially destroyed parcel of an allotment garden and a damaged Audi. The police are now investigating in all directions.

Family disputes, but also a dispute in the clan milieu cannot be ruled out. The vehicle was secured.


Baumschulenweg Berlin police brawl chase
