Mercedes-Benz shares: electric research car crosses the Alps

The Vision EQXX drove from the Swabian town of Sindelfingen across the Swiss Alps to Cassis in southern France, the manufacturer said on Wednesday in Stuttgart.

Daimler board member Markus Schäfer said some components and technical details of the car could be seen in production vehicles in two to three years. Schäfer did not comment in detail on possible future ranges. According to the manufacturer, the Mercedes E series sedan EQS has a range of a good 780 kilometers.

Schäfer, Chief Technology Officer responsible for development and purchasing, said the car used an average of 8.7 kilowatt hours (kWh) per 100 kilometers while driving. “Efficiency is the new currency.” The kilowatt hour is the unit of measurement for the energy of an electric car. Most Stromers have capacities between 30 and 60 kilowatt hours, larger models also up to 100. According to the manufacturer, the Vision EQXX has almost 100 kWh.

According to Schäfer, the shortage of semiconductors continues. “As far as semiconductors are concerned, the situation remains tense.” In the current year there will continue to be an “extremely thinned out supply chain”. The lack of semiconductors and other electronic components is a problem for the entire automotive industry and has already led to production restrictions at several manufacturers.



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Image sources: Vytautas Kielaitis /, Frank Gaertner /
