Meppel residents surprised by mysterious middle fingers, but who is behind it is a mystery

The middle fingers attract the attention of cyclists and walkers, who view the artistic arrangement up close. Those who do so will receive text and an explanation about the middle fingers via a poem attached to a stick in the grass. The artwork is called ‘Ode to the middle finger’.

“The most misunderstood gesture,” it reads. Most people can laugh about it. “Standing while everyone bows,” the poem begins. “Standing completely in your own strength also requires courage,” the text says. The gloves come from everywhere, the writer reveals. “Gloves from all over the Netherlands, lost and found, find a new meaning here.”

It is not known exactly who put the middle fingers in the grass. According to the creator of the campaign, they would be part of a traveling exhibition and are temporarily in Meppel. “An art moment,” says the creator of the mysterious action.
