Meppel housing plans can continue thanks to central government money

A boost for Meppel. The municipality has received money from the government to accelerate the construction of 82 homes. Yesterday it was announced that 2.5 million euros will be released for a number of construction projects in Drenthe. These are projects that might not go ahead because construction costs have risen sharply recently.

Robin van Ulzen (VVD), housing councilor, is delighted. “Yesterday we received very good news. Meppel will receive almost 1 million euros to quickly build houses.” Due to the higher costs for raw materials and materials, he sees that construction projects in the municipality are being delayed. “We have to work hard for affordable housing. We really want that in Meppel.”

It won’t be easy, Van Ulzen predicts. “We have agreed in Drenthe that 13,000 homes will be added by 2030. It is a very big challenge. It is very expensive to build and there are few hands available. If we all go for it, I think we will achieve a go a long way.”

Meppel has high ambitions. “We will even build more than agreed,” Van Ulzen predicts. He hopes for a growth of 3,000 homes. The first houses should be ready in two years.
