Meppel commemorates the removal of Jewish residents: ‘Warms are still short’

One of those present at the commemoration was Elsbeth van der Horst, board member of Stichting Joods Erfgoed Meppel. “I always experience this as a special moment,” she reported. “On May 4 we commemorate all victims of the war, but I think it’s nice that there is an extra moment for our own community. And this date is of course important to us. It was set up on a large scale that night, all houses were emptied. Horrible.”

The monument has been adopted by Kindcentrum Het Avontuur, also known as the former primary school De Woldstroom in the Haveltermade district. The students of group 8 keep everything around the monument clean and they were also present at the commemoration. “That’s very nice,” says Van der Horst. “Obviously we want something like this never to happen again, so we’re involving the future generation in this.”

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