MEP Anja Hazekamp from Groningen wants to once again lead the way for the Party for the Animals

The only MEP of the Party for the Animals wants to become the leader again for next year’s European elections. Anja Hazekamp has been in the European Parliament for ten years, but thinks she will be able to harvest in the coming years.

In 2014, 55-year-old Hazekamp became the first PvdD member to win a seat in the European Parliament. She repeated that five years later. The Party for the Animals is now quietly dreaming of a second seat now that it has been growing steadily in the Netherlands for years.

More awareness of animal suffering

With a single kindred spirit, from Germany, it is difficult to get things done in the more than 700-strong parliament. Nevertheless, “the past few years have shown, both inside and outside the European Parliament, that you can influence the debate with one voice,” says Hazekamp. In recent years, for example, the EU has become increasingly aware of animal suffering, she says. For abuses in animal transport and keeping cattle in cages, for example.

Party pronounces on Hazekamp’s candidacy

In the near future, European animal welfare rules will even be overhauled, the European Commission has announced. That is why “there is now a unique opportunity to make a difference for animals,” says Hazekamp. Moreover, Europe is in the middle of the transition to a greener economy and there is a fierce battle going on about how fast this should happen.

To lead the party again in the European elections in June, the Groningen biologist still has to get the blessing of the candidates committee. Members of her party are still voting on it.
