Mental problems in football: “I pressed him”: This is how Werder reacted to Schmidt’s open words

Status: 05.01.2023 5:23 p.m

Niklas Schmidt told his team a long time ago that he was suffering from mental problems. Werder player Mitchell Weiser hugged the 24-year-old.

By Helge Hommers, Olaf Rathje

Werder professional Niklas Schmidt caused a stir with his statement that he was suffering from “major mental problems”. At the training camp in Murcia, the 24-year-old told media representatives that he was undergoing psychological treatment. Schmidt had confided in his team a long time ago – and apparently impressed one or the other teammate with his courage. “I find it very impressive when you dare to do something like that,” Mitchell Weiser said in a media round.

After the candid words of his team-mate, Weiser first got up close and took Schmidt in his arms. “I hugged him and told him I’d be there for him if anything happened,” said the 28-year-old. Apparently he was not alone in his action. “I think everyone in the team conveyed that to him, which was a good sign.” And according to Weiser, the team’s reaction had the desired effect.

I do believe that he feels in good hands with us.” (Werder player Mitchell Weiser in a media round)

Weiser got to know Schmidt as a “funny character”.

Weiser got to know the midfielder, who made the long-awaited breakthrough at Werder last season, as a “funny character”. An impression shared by many who have followed the career of the creative player. But in the past few months things have looked anything but funny in Schmidt, on the contrary: several people close to him worried about the 24-year-old and were even afraid for him. For Weiser, his teammate’s confession is a “memory,” he says.

Even with people you know better, there can always be something that you don’t notice.” (Werder player Mitchell Weiser in a media round)

“He’s on a very good path”

For Werder’s sporting director Clemens Fritz, the openness with which Schmidt addressed his problems was “remarkable”. The club officials immediately assured the 24-year-old of support after his confession. “Niklas knows that we are there for him,” said Fritz zu buten un binnen. The club also helped him to find a suitable therapist.

Sees Schmidt on a “good path:” Werder’s sporting director Clemens Fritz.

The ex-professional currently has “a very good impression” of Schmidt, who also caught the eye in the 2-0 friendly win against Real Murcia with the opening goal. The midfielder is on the right track, summed up Fritz. Even during the practice sessions you notice the joy and fun he has on the training ground.

Despite all the support that Schmidt receives, it is crucial that the club treats him “completely normally”. Weiser sees it similarly: “Of course you want to help him, but you don’t want to treat him any differently.”
