Menstrual apps do not protect data sufficiently, research shows | Tech

Various menstrual apps, which make it possible to track your cycle, would not protect the data of users and therefore also their privacy. This is according to a study by Mozilla.

A study by Mozilla, the company behind FireFox, shows that various apps and smartwatches that track menstruation, ovulation or pregnancy do not sufficiently protect their users’ data. A total of 25 apps were checked. In 18 of the 25 apps, including Ovia, Flo, Glow and Clue, privacy was insufficiently guaranteed. Mozilla fears that US governments could misuse the data in states where abortion has recently been banned.

Various data such as IP addresses and telephone numbers, but also the date of the last menstruation and the date on which pregnant users are due, are stored by various apps and, according to Mozilla, also passed on to various third parties and research institutions who use it to target advertisements to pregnant women. women and expectant families. Mozilla finds that disturbing.

The data would also not be properly protected, the company reports. For example, eight apps fall short in terms of the ‘minimum security standards’. “It’s scary when even basic security is shaky in apps used by millions of women,” said Mozilla researcher Misha Rykov.

abortion law

The company fears that US governments in states where abortion has been banned could misuse the data that the app holds about the user. Researcher Jen Caltrider says several apps have “vague standard statements” about the amount of user data transferred to governments. And she finds that disturbing. “Companies that collect sensitive health data must do their utmost with regard to privacy and security, especially after the Roe vs Wade case. Unfortunately, many apps don’t,” Caltrider said.

Mozilla also did the research on five smartwatches from Apple and Fitbit, among others. They all scored significantly better than the menstrual apps.


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