Menowin Fröhlich: prison sentence for former “DSDS” candidate



His life is like a roller coaster ride: On Tuesday (March 22) Menowin Fröhlich was sentenced to one year and two months in prison by the Darmstadt district court – without probation. In the summer of 2019, the former runner-up in a season of the casting show “Deutschland sucht den Superstar” was drunk and driving the car without a license and caused an accident.

Prognosis “not positive”

Originally, the verdict was: imprisonment with probation and drug withdrawal. However, the public prosecutor found the verdict to be too lenient and appealed. In the new procedure, the court also rejected probation because the prognosis for the singer was “not positive” and earlier offenses had to be taken into account. The father of six has already spent almost four years in prison for various crimes.

Happy improvement

Menowin Fröhlich was best known for his DSDS participation in 2010. The musician has had problems with alcohol and drugs since his youth. At trial he stated that he first used cocaine when he was 19 years old. Today, however, the 34-year-old is “totally clean”, as he protested in the courtroom – he “only drinks a non-alcoholic beer when the Bundesliga is on”.




