Menopause, these herbal teas fight the most common symptoms

CWhether it has already arrived, or is making its appearance, menopause is not a moment that goes unnoticed. The symptoms certainly vary a lot from woman to woman. But there are few who have experienced them without realizing it. This is why nature can lend a hand. Not just to feel better physically. But also to lift your mood and make certain days, and especially certain nights, less restless. Here are the most suitable herbal teas for every type of menopausal disorder. In any case, before choosing which herbal tea to prepare and consume with a certain frequency, it is It is essential to inform your doctor. In fact, herbs may have contraindications or interactions with drugs.

Menopause, nature's allies to best deal with it

For every symptom of menopause an herb… or more

«An herbal tea, or in any case a natural product for menopause, was enough to correct it three fundamental problems» explains the Dr. Luigi Torchio natural medicine expert in Turin. «In practice, we act on: the hormonal deficiency, which creates hot flashes and circulatory imbalances. There mineral deficiency which favors osteoporosis and the deficiency of those hormones that can favor osteoporosis drops in moodee depression” explains Doctor Torchio who is also a sports doctor. In short, nature comes to us with many remedies, you just need to choose the one best suited to your case. And compose your own herbal tea, which can also change throughout the day.

Against hot flashes and excessive sweating

Cheeks that become like Heidi’s or a neck that becomes inflamed are some of the most “embarrassing” symptoms of menopause. Given that there is really nothing to be “embarrassed” about, you can try to feel better by using those herbs that work as hormonal support. «The commune sage, for example, is rich in natural estrogen-progestins. They are less effective than chemical hormones, but together with the red clover and to soy they can be of good help against hot flashes & Co.» explains the expert. You can also add to these in the cup of herbal tea the chaste tree which keeps hormone levels high. «It is also useful for regularizing the menstrual cycle, which is why it can also be taken throughout the fertile period» explains Dr. Torchio.

To prevent osteoporosis

It is one of the worst effects of menopause, because when the bones become more fragile the risk is that fractures become more frequent. «To prevent osteoporosis we need to remineralize our organism, that is, integrate substances such as calcium, magnesium, but also vitamin D” explains Dr. Luigi Torchio. «These minerals are found in herbs such as horsetailbut it is also important to integrate other vitamins, such as C, and antioxidants” concludes the expert.

To improve mood

Nobody wants to cure depression with a herbal tea, but a hot cup with the right herbs helps to get up, why not take advantage of it? Unfortunately, during menopause, hormonal imbalances lower the mood and the consequences are nervousness and a tendency to cry “for no reason”. «Some plants reduce tachycardia and hot flashes, but also improve mood, promoting relaxation and mental well-being, such as griffonia for example” explains Dr. Torchio. “Or ashwagandha, an Indian herb that calms without making you numb, gives a sense of relaxation and is a mood tonic. Even the best known St. John’s worthelps you feel “less sad” during menopause.”

To avoid menopause insomnia

Other herbs, however, in addition to improving mood levels and providing a sense of relaxation, promote sleep, which becomes unstable or fragmented during menopause. With the result that after sleepless nights the mood is even more unstable and nervousness increases. “There passionflowerL’eschlazia And hawthorn, for example, they work on tachycardia and allow you to relax. This last plant also helps keep blood pressure under control, which tends to rise during menopause.” Also there melissa it is useful to put in your bedtime herbal tea. This also has an anti-spasmodic effect. Helps prevent visceral cramps. Together with magnesium it also allows you to prevent those that can appear during the night, making it nightmarish. «There are many plants that promote rest, not only in menopuasa. Another useful thing could be lavender. The important thing is to understand which plants work best on you, perhaps trying various mixes to create your own personalized herbal tea” advises the expert.

To avoid robbing the fridge

That the appetite increases during menopause is clearly demonstrated by those trousers, which suddenly rise to the waist as if they belonged to someone else. Hormonal imbalances increase the desire for sugars and various “crap”. Not only that, the metabolism slows down, the mood drops. In short, it takes a moment for you to put on a few kilos without realizing it. To avoid continuing to run away from the scale, you can ask for help from a herbal tea. To drink during the day, especially before the main meal, so that the feeling of hunger subsides. And sit down at the table less hungry. “There sylvan gymnena and the garcinia cambogia there are two plants that can help reduce the feeling of hunger. Furthermore, if they are put in a herbal tea with purifying herbs their effect increases. Because as well as making you eat less, they deflate, thanks to their draining action” concludes the expert.

